Friday afternoon, the house across the street from us was robbed. Fortunately, the couple and their baby were not home, but the burglar beat one of their two dogs with a fire extinguisher. And then sprayed them both with it. In January, a house, 2 houses down from ours, was robbed. TWICE.
I have always felt safe with my dogs at home. They let me know any time a leaf falls off a tree, or when the mail has come, or when there is a strange cat in the alley behind our house. But now, knowing that there is some fucker out there who will beat a dog to steal a tv….I’m terrified. Take my TV, please don’t hurt my dogs. You can take the cats. Just don’t hurt the dogs. You can even have the bird, the cats and the huge box of Ramen noodles I have had for the last 3 years. On second thought, take the bird, leave the cats and dogs, and I’ll give you a DVD player…it works, I swear it does.
I was really upset about this whole thing. Thankfully, no one was hurt, the dogs will be ok, but this poor family was violated. I know now that he has a gun, a big one. And so does Master Wog. Now we have both sides of the street covered.
I wanted to tell you guys about a really special person in my life. She and I have worked together for the last 3 years. She has become a huge part of everything I do. Even if she is a wanker and doesn’t like to hang out with Jess and I, I love her dearly. We shall call her Lilbit.
This girl is amazing. When mom was sick, she was my shoulder. When Master Wog and I start having trouble or when I make a bad decision she is always there to set me straight. I sincerely do not know what I would have done without her guidance. Well, I would probably be a drunk living under a bridge.
She did something for me after mom passed. Something I never expected. She put together a beautiful gift for me. she took the last paragraph from mom’s eulogy and put it in a frame, along with her birth and death dates, and a picture of a shooting star (actually she later told me it is a plane, but it looks like a shooting star…so, shh, no one knows…) I cried like a little baby when she gave me this. In a million years, I would have never expected someone to do something like this for me.
The picture is on my mantle and will stay with me forever. I love you, Lilbit. Even though you smell funny.
I promise that the frame is not dirty. Even though it looks to be. I even dusted it before taking these pics so that it wouldn't look dusty...

That is soooo incredible. What a great friend.
ReplyDeleteWow, this post was scary and touching!
ReplyDeleteThat gift was soooooooooo sweet. I think I may have to borrow that idea. It's so sweet.
I can't believe someone BEAT their dog.
(oh and I agree -- take the cat!) ;)
I knew that Jess was good people. This just confirms it.